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Who's that Guy in Blue?

That's exactly the question parents, football coaches and others would ask when they saw me working. Whether it was in Uganda, China, Ukraine or the US. "Coach Mark" would be the answer, or more often "Coach Mark from The Netherlands". 


Because between 2007 and 2022 I worked more abroad than back in my home country. In more than 20 countries around the globe, each with its' own (and complete different) culture. From the lowest grassroots level up to professional level and with people ranging from 3 to 60 years of age.

What I did? Well, what I actually still do is running a company that provides football related services globally. However, my biggest passion within that is creating development plans and educating coaches. Call it 'coach of the coaches'.


And that brought and thought me so much. It also made me realize that everyone is a coach to someone. And that all of us are continuously coaching and being coached. Consciously or unconsciously. As a partner, parent, manager, colleague, friend, teacher, sports coach or in any other role.

And if everyone is a coach, I believe everyone can benefit from the skills that 'That Guy in Blue' apparently possessed. Because I did it differently. And I still do. Therefore Game Changer. I want to share my experiences, inspire you and make you think and reflect on how you do things, I want to help you upgrade your coaching behavior and become a game changer too!

Facts. Lived in 4 countries across 3 continents, worked in more than 20 countries, travelled to 40+. Educated over 1000 coaches and 25.000+ players have been influenced through my programs directly and an estimate of 100.000 indirectly. 

Good to know. If everyone goes left and I believe I should go right, I will always go right. I mat be firm and steady, but always open to your view on thing and can be persuaded to change mine. The glass if for me always half full, I'm honest and clear in a respectful manner and like to enjoy life!

Ah my full name? That's Mark Huis in 't Veld. Nice to meet you!

Coffee preference? Flat white

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