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"Because everyone is a coach to someone"

And exactly that indicates that coach behavior is important tot everyone of us. Whether you are a partner, parent, manager, coach or colleague. In any role you will be a coach and a coachee. Consciously or unconsciously.

Coach Behavior: think motivation, feedback, inspiration, cross culture interaction, life skills implementation, group dynamics, one on one's and more.

The below mentioned services are just an indication of what I may do for you. I'd be happy to jump on a call or grab a coffee and discuss how I can help you.


 Shut your feedback! 

As keynote speaker, I will introduce you to my blue world. During approx. 1 hour I will dive into the everyday challenges of feedback and turn them blue using examples according to the PEC Effect.


The bluenote is beneficial, eyeopening and a definite game changer to anyone who gives and/or receives feedback on a regular bases at work, at home or in a sports environment.

So, basically to anyone. 

The Bluenote will be:




 Creating the PEC Effect 

During my time coaching and educating in sports I learned that there are three key elements in successful coaching and therefore development and eventually results:



If a coach in sports, a manager in business or a parent at home sticks to a few easy principles, things will turn out to be more positive, efficient and clear on the pitch, in the meeting room or at home. So what to do?

Change your game!

During this masterclass (approx. 2-3 hrs) you will learn how to apply the following principles:


Positive Phrasing
Say Bye to Why

 Life Skills Implementation 

Are you a parent, teacher or sports coach and want to change your game? Are you ready to add the next level to your lessons, upbringing or sessions?

Implement Life Skills!

During this training you will learn to design exercises, methods and training forms that implicitly teach kids Life Skills.

Implementation of Life Skills is fun and crucial in the development of our children.

Decision Making
Team work
Stress Resistance
Critical Thinking

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